"I became an artist when I became a lobster "

Philip Colbert

From 26.01.2024 to 01.04.2024
Napoli – Museo Archeologico Nazionale

From 07.10.2023 to 07.01.2024
Treviso –Centro Storico

From 21.04.2023 to 05.07.23
Napoli – Largo San Martino

From 6.10.22 to 15.03.23
Rome – Via Vittorio Veneto

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Philip Colbert


Born in Scotland and living and working in London. Colbert is often referred to as the “godson of Andy Warhol”. Colbert has created a global following for his cartoon lobster persona and his masterful hyper pop history paintings. His work powerfully explores the patterns of contemporary digital culture and its relationship to a deeper art historical dialogue.

 “I became an artist when I became a Lobster” says Colbert.

Graduating with an MA in Philosophy from St.Andrews University, Colbert’s work has received international acclaim in museums and galleries worldwide for his energetic new approach to painting and pop theory.

Following on from early Pop painters such as Richard Hamilton, Roy Lichtenstein and James Rosenquist. Colbert’s paintings cross high art themes from old master paintings and contemporary art theory with everyday symbols of mass contemporary culture, all narrated through the eyes of Colbert’s cartoon Lobster alter ego.

He has been championed as a contemporary pop master by art world figures such as Charles Saatchi & Simon De Pury. 

Colbert’s seminal NEW PAINTINGS & HUNT PAINTINGS show’s at Saatchi Gallery in 2017 & 2018 showed his transition into epic Large scale works on canvas, and has lead to a series of Museum shows worldwide.


© Philip Colbert

Naples – Museo Archeologico Nazionale

Treviso – Centro Storico

Naples – Largo San Martino


Philips colbert exhibition


Rome – Via Vittorio Veneto


Philips colbert exhibition


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